The NERAIL New England Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of Laconia Station
Laconia Station

Hundreds of local residents who attended the annual Laconia Christmas Parade gathered at the historic Laconia NH Railroad Station for a ride in the Toys for Tots Trains program sponsored by the Laconia Chamber of Commerce. The station pictured here in 1910 still exists pretty much as represented here in this post card picture. Yes the cannons are still in place

The Hobo and Winnipesaukee Railroads provide the equipment and crew for this charitable event each year.

Photographed by UNKNOWN, January 1, 1920.
Added to the photo archive by George Kenson, November 30, 2009.
Railroad: Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad.

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Visitor Comments about this Photo:

Very little has changed in this photograph outside of the railcars in the background. Today this station is a business condominium. The open platform has been enclosed and currently houses a bank and a restaurant. The door showing just beyond the cannon's breech is the entrance to the baggage room. It currently houses a goldsmith's shop. It was built by the Concord & Montreal Railroad.

Posted by Steven Hall on 2016-11-29 16:02:38

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