Cedar Hill, North Haven CT - Westbound Hump Retarder Control TowerBuilt in 1929, this Retarder Control Tower reluctantly passes the trials of time, nature and vandals. This is Tower 'A', one of three, that remain standing at the long abandoned Westbound Hump and Classification Yard at Cedar Hill in North Haven, CT. The Westbound Classification Yard itself was constructed in 1918; this modern tower built 11 years later. To our left, the Westbound Classification Yard. From here, classified cars would be prepared for departure in consists destined for Maybrook, NY. The Westbound Hump was officially closed in the 1950's. It was briefly reopened again in 1960 - only to be closed again, this time for good, by the Penn Central soon after they took control of the NYNHHRR. Only ghosts remain. The southern portion of the class yard, the hump and a few structures wait in eerie silence as they are slowly reclaimed by nature.
Photographed by Cole Jackson, August 30, 2013.
Added to the photo archive by Cole Jackson, February 7, 2014.
Railroad: NY, NH & H.
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