First of all, we're not in Maine and secondly the livery is not Harvest gold. Rather we're in Gardner as Pan Am road local ED-8 with the faux-CSX C40-8 and local FI-1 with Guilford scheme GP40 are doing work. Assuming CSX acquires Pan Am in May of 2022 as STB has proposed, G&W subsidiary Berkshire & Eastern should acquire the C-C unit to handle the other Pan Am Southern ops while CSX is to retain PAR's serviceable B-B units. And the question is will Gardner cease being the interchange bottleneck that it is today with G&W's P&W and B&E jointly handling run-through freights between E Deerfield and Worcester?
Photographed by John Barlow, July 13, 2018. Added to the photo archive by John Barlow, August 1, 2021. Railroad: Pan Am Southern.