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L066 MEC 516 at Concord

Here was the CSX L066 Crew with a south facing MEC 516 with enough cars to do a double runaround in Concord, just before sunset, Thursday afternoon. Was this an empty Dunk's Large Cruller Carrier? A loaded Cruller Carrier would be a sight to see! Most of the time, this car would hold loaded telephone poles.

MEC 516, the former CN 9657 was built in 1976, is probably best known in recent times as the power the BO-1 Crew used for the final run from Somerville to Rousselot in Peabody and back, last August to grab one empty acid car.

These days, 505, 507, 515, 516, and 518.. the PTC equipped 500's seem to be the only power rotated in and out for the NA Crews.. 502, which is also PTC equipped is on lease to BERX,

The Engineer's side of 516 shows an early sign of pre-2010 Pan Am paint, with the Pan Am lettering leaning to the left. Surviving 307, 326, 350, 506, and 517 have this same lettering.

Always great to see the show of Holiday spirit with the Christmas Wreath. Some snow would help complete the picture.. ;)

Photographed by Jay Gadon, December 7, 2023.
Added to the photo archive by Jay Gadon, December 8, 2023.
Railroad: Pan Am Railways.

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