The NERAIL New England Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of Pullman PCC
Pullman PCC

On the way to Mattapan Square.

Photographed by Ken Patton, May, 1973.
Added to the photo archive by Ken Patton, February 20, 2022.
Railroad: MBTA.

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Visitor Comments about this Photo:

Nice angle, Ken. I forgot about Baker Chocolate. You can see the storage silos in the frame.and the trace of an access siding. The plant was served by the New Haven which evidently had some access alongside the Mattapan line, it being originally a "steam" railroad right of way. I understand that Baker had their own private cars and they also needed coal for the power plant (stack visible). The plant closed in 1965 and is now a condominium complex

Posted by Ron DeFilippo on 2022-02-21 08:11:37

Nice angle, Ken. I forgot about Baker Chocolate. You can see the storage silos in the frame.and the trace of an access siding. The plant was served by the New Haven which evidently had some access alongside the Mattapan line, it being originally a "steam" railroad right of way. I understand that Baker had their own private cars and they also needed coal for the power plant (stack visible). The plant closed in 1965 and is now a condominium complex

Posted by Ron DeFilippo on 2022-02-21 08:12:20

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