Newport GreenThe OCNRR passenger consist is backing down the West track in downtown Newport to pick up one of the cabooses at the end of the Sunday runs.
This very rustic scene is actually in downtown Newport about 800 feet from the OCNRR Depot.
This photo was published in the Travel Section of the Boston Globe on May 4, 2009. It was in a special travel section on railroads entitled: "10 ways to ride the rails".
The other trains included in the article were:
The Mount Washington Cog Railway;
Wiscasset, Waterville and Farmington Railway;
Berkshire Scenic Railway;
Cape Cod Central Railroad;
Green Mountain Flyer;
Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad;
Maine Eastern Railroad;
Essex Steam Train & Riverboat; and
Hobo Railroad.
Check this link for the article:
Photographed by Peter Martin, June 3, 2007.
Added to the photo archive by Peter Martin, June 13, 2007.
Railroad: Old Colony & Newport Railway.
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