GMTX 1505 @ the Trestle over Brochu Nurseries, ConcordHere was the New England Southern Crew backing GMTX 1505 north to their Canterbury World Headquarters and Transload Facility.
This famous wooden trestle can be best seen from I-93 South in Concord, south of the Merrimack River bridge.
Brochu Nurseries and Landscaping has been in business for over 70 years, and is NH's largest retail nursery. Soon warmer weather will be here.
Always a "NEGScellent" catch, seeing the shiny yellow SW1500 on the move !
Photographed by Jay Gadon, February 26, 2025.
Added to the photo archive by Jay Gadon, February 28, 2025.
Railroad: New England Southern.
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