The NERAIL New England Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of The City Point station, City Point, ME
The City Point station, City Point, ME

The historic station house of the City Point Central Railroad Museum (left) was built by the Maine Central in the early 1870's as its station in Corinna, ME, on the MEC's now abandoned Dover Foxcroft Branch. (It continued to serve the MEC as its freight office there after passenger service ended.) The section house partially visible behind the station came from Brooks, ME, about ten miles further out the B&ML grade. The stainless steel coach parked at the station is MEC#391, a combination chair/cafe car previously operated by both the New York Central (ex-NYC#3011) and Amtrak (ex-AMTRAK#3951), was built by the Pullman Co. in the 1950's. Behind it is CPC#606 (ex-MEC#606), a restored wooden caboose built by the Maine Central in 1914. The CPC, which also includes almost two dozen pieces of ex-B&ML, MEC, and BAR rolling stock parked on its two long sidings (each about 2,000') in the City Point Central Railroad Museum's five acre private train yard, is located on a private turnout from the Belfast & Moosehead Lake Railroad's main line at City Point, ME, 2.16 miles out from Belfast. The Museum is the remarkable creation of veteran railroadman Mack Page, Sr., who was the fourth generation of his family to work on the B&ML.

Photographed by Bruce C. Cooper (, July 20, 2005.
Added to the photo archive by Bruce Cooper, July 31, 2005.
Railroad: City Point Central Railroad Museum.

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