The NERAIL New England Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of New Haven Information
New Haven Information

It is somwhere around or past 2PM at the iconic New Haven, Connecticut station judging by the information hand posted on the train bulletin. For some reason the trains from Boston and Springfield are reported as "ON TIME", but the train from New York is not. Less than three months remain until the New Haven Railroad is absorbed into the Penn Central. Fortunately the revitalized station survives and is much brighter than this underexposed picture portrays it almost 50 years ago.

Photographed by Ron DeFilippo, October, 1968.
Added to the photo archive by Ron DeFilippo, February 15, 2019.
Railroad: New Haven.

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Visitor Comments about this Photo:

It's interesting that New Haven referred to its Shoreline passenger service as "Eastward" and "Westward" while today's Amtrak service on the same route is referred to as "Northbound" and "Southbound". Even the PRR referred to its portion of the Washington-Boston through trains as "Eastward" and "Westward" (although RF&P/SAL/ACL and Southern through trains on the NYP-DC route were classified as "Northward" and "Southward").

Posted by John Barlow on 2019-02-16 08:24:31

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