The NERAIL New England Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of Take a Holiday Ride on the
Take a Holiday Ride on the "Ho-Ho-Hobo" Railroad

Christmastime in Lincoln means two holiday themed trains departing from Hobo Junction Station, the Hobo Railroad's own "Santa Express Trains" and the Believe in Books Literacy Foundation's "Journey to the North Pole Trains" each offering a unique fun filled riding experience for young and old.

Two 1000hp EMD engines provide the power, SW1000, #1012 and SW1001, #1590 ahead of six coaches including 2 1930's Pullman Coaches turned into dining cars (Mountain View and Alpine), two Budd RDC-1's converted into table seating cars #6148 and #9159, and two Budd RDC-1's with the standard comfortable classic coach seating #9151 and #9154.

Here the crew at the Hobo Railroad were getting the locomotives and coaches ready for a full day of guests after a very frigid start to the morning in Lincoln.

Photographed by Jay Gadon, December 8, 2019.
Added to the photo archive by Jay Gadon, December 10, 2019.
Railroad: Hobo Railroad.

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