The NERAIL New England Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of Housatonic Railroad EX-BAR #22 IS ALIVE!!
Housatonic Railroad EX-BAR #22 IS ALIVE!!

Alright, listen up everyone. For those of you that know the HRRC, you probably won't believe this. I captured pictures of the EX-BAR loco #22 with its headlights ON and it was moving backwards towards the shop, with no help from any other locomotives. You'll also notice that the door was open, and that in the last picture I uploaded it was further away from the shop, but notice how the 3603 is in the exact same place as this pic, but #22 is further back. I was on my way home when I was passing by the yard, I saw something moving back and as I pulled in to the country club, I noticed that it was GP7u #22 that was moving, with its lights on, too. I scrambled to get my camera out as I only had an extremely short time to get these pictures before it disappeared back into the shop. (Only a few seconds) Luckily I have a new camera which made this very short window of time easier to capture these pictures. I only got 3 pictures before it disappeared. I'm uploading all 3. If you have any further questions, contact me via the contact form or I'm also on the "Fans of the Housatonic Railroad" Facebook group.

Photographed by Noah Fallon, February 12, 2015.
Added to the photo archive by Noah Fallon, February 14, 2015.
Railroad: Housatonic.

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