The NERAIL New England Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of Meet on the Merrimack River Bridge
Meet on the Merrimack River Bridge

MBTA train number 216 led by a control car is heading to Boston on Track 2, Amtrak train 683, the Downeaster is running a little late and is headed to Maine on Track 1 with a cab baggage unit trailing. The bridge was built in 1911 for the Boston and Maine Railroad. The current owner is the MBTA which has been paying for a multi year re-construction project. Earlier this year double track operation was restored after several years of single track operation and bus shuttles for some trains. Now the remaining task is to strengthen the bridge piers which have endured over 100 years of river currents and ice jams. There is no commercial barge traffic on the Merrimack so barges are an unusual sight on the river.

Photographed by Bill McCaffrey, July 20, 2018.
Added to the photo archive by Bill Mccaffrey, July 24, 2018.
Railroad: MBTA/BM.

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