The NERAIL New England Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of MBTA @ Fitchburg, Ma.
MBTA @ Fitchburg, Ma.

Getting the message across.

Photographed by Bruce Macdonald, August 9, 2023.
Added to the photo archive by Bruce Macdonald, August 9, 2023.
Railroad: Pan Am Southern.

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Emergency Notification Systems (ENS) at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings

The blue and white ENS sign gives the public critical emergency contact information at every highway-rail grade crossing. The information on the blue and white ENS sign enables the public to reach the railroad responsible for the crossing and to identify the specific crossing in the event of an emergency.

Emergency Notification System - To improve highway-rail crossing safety, the FRA now requires each railroad to have an Emergency Notification System (ENS), allowing emergency response center staff to identify crossing locations and railroad contacts for reporting safety problems and emergency situations.

 Look for a blue-and-white emergency notification sign.

 The ENS sign should be posted near the crossing and clearly visible. It includes the name of the railroad, the railroad’s emergency contact number, and the USDOT National Crossing Inventory Number.

 Using the information on the ENS sign is the quickest way to notify the railroad. A USDOT National Crossing Inventory Number is a unique number that is assigned to each grade crossing and can be used to obtain valuable information.

For more information, please visit:

Posted by Brian Gilleran on 2023-08-14 07:09:44

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