The NERAIL New England Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of MEC 313 & The Concord Gasholder Building
MEC 313 & The Concord Gasholder Building

From 12/1, here was MEC 313 tied down between shifts by the Concord Yard Tower. This is the second rotation for this nicely painted and healthy sounding GP40 on "These NH Rails" in 2020.

Behind the 313 is the very unique Concord Gasholder Building. The current owner of the property, Liberty Utilities , is seeking one of two things.. Looking for help in preserving it, or seeking a permit to demolish it. There is a petition at that fans can sign, please search "Save Our Gasholder" and support the saving of this very historic structure.

The Gasholder was built in 1888 and used until 1953. The structure is the only one left in the US that retains all of it's original equipment, including the big 120,000 cubic foot gasholder tank itself. This info came from the NH Division of Historical Resources. The structure itself IMHO is best viewed from where this picture was taken, safely across the tracks, where it looks the most impressive. Thank goodness for a broken stretch of fence that allows for this view.

Gasholder buildings were very important to the growth of US Cities. Using natural gas instead of coal produced gas put the Gasholder out of business in 1953, though has survived remarkably intact into today, though the building needs work to survive. Please sign the online petition to save the Concord Gasholder Building.. search "Save Our Gasholder" in petitions.

Thank you for your support!

Photographed by Jay Gadon, December 1, 2020.
Added to the photo archive by Jay Gadon, December 12, 2020.
Railroad: Pan Am Railways.

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Visitor Comments about this Photo:

What a magnificent picture and a great story!!!

Posted by Stephen Demboske on 2020-12-12 10:36:53

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