The NERAIL New England Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of PLL 1012 - A Special Day in Ashland
PLL 1012 - A Special Day in Ashland

On Saturday 9/14, The "Ashland Special" arrived from Meredith to take a full complement of passengers on a ride to Plymouth Station in back. The day was a celebration of the 150th Anniversary of this historic gem in Ashland. The Ashland Historical Society created a day showing off their incredible display of railroad history, with lots of fun, vendors, live music, and more. The rain earlier in the day did not deter event goers. Crowds gathered even more, as the afternoon passed, to get on board the "Ashland Special" that departed at 4. There was even a toast to the station, and the staff, dressed in period attire, handed out some of the best tasting cupcakes around !

The Winnipesaukee Scenic RR Crew did their part in decorating the 1012 with special banners, and showing the genuine signs of an "Extra" flying the white flags and turning on the class lights.

It was a Special Day in Ashland for the "Ashland Special" !

Photographed by Jay Gadon, September 14, 2019.
Added to the photo archive by Jay Gadon, September 15, 2019.
Railroad: Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad.

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Full-Sized image (1944 x 1028)
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Visitor Comments about this Photo:

Most Excellent photographer!

Posted by Brian Cunis on 2019-09-15 07:12:55

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