The NERAIL New England Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of Elephant

Let's see... September 2000 was a political season, but the railroader who said he found this stuffed elephant said he was not making a political statement. The conductor, who was a switchtender for a hand-operated double-slip switch at the east end of Southampton Street Yard in Boston, said he thought it would be a funny statement along the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority's Old Colony line. He was right. So was the orange pumpkin at the creature's feet. Oh - those trains you see? The one with the headlight is coming out of Service and Inspection track 3, and the other is parked on the Amtrak running track. The runner had catenary over it, but S&I-3 did not.

Photographed by Leo King, September 8, 2000.
Added to the photo archive by Leo King, April 28, 2004.
Railroad: MBTA.

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