The NERAIL New England Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of Levers

Now, let's see if I can remember... The all-gray Nos. 1 and 2 levers were completely out of service. They didn't connect to anything any more. The next two were also out of service, but were a handy place to store those yellow steel blocking devices used to protect track car movements. Red levers 3, 5 and 7 were active signal controls. The signals were odd-numbered, everything else, even. In their current position, stop was displayed in the field. Solid black levers were switch and traffic control levers, and a different shade of gray levers with white tops were the locks and unlocks for the switches.
Attleboro Tower had 88 levers, about half of which were in service when I toiled there. At one time, the plant had several double-slip switches, which were put in service on November 15, 1908, and the signals on December 28, 1908. The slips were removed in August 1938. The New Haven railroad's Middleboro line was double-tracked and carried passenger trains.

Photographed by Leo King, 1994.
Added to the photo archive by Leo King, May 29, 2004.
Railroad: Amtrak/Northeast Corridor.

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