The NERAIL New England Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of Amtrak Tran 167 Arriving Kingston Station
Amtrak Tran 167 Arriving Kingston Station

AMTK 631 (ACS-64) leads train 167 to its stop at Kingston Station, RI.. As far as I could tell from the opposite side, there was no one waiting to get on and 1 person got off. Since this was still before March 28 Amtrak was operating select trains on a Saturday schedule on this Friday.

Photographed by Warren Beckwith, March 27, 2020.
Added to the photo archive by Warren Beckwith, April 3, 2020.
Railroad: Amtrak/Northeast Corridor.

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Visitor Comments about this Photo:

I'm guessing the National Guard was there to intercept Amtrak patrons from New York City and tell them to self quarantine?

Posted by John Barlow on 2020-04-03 15:03:46

You have the right idea, John. It is not as specific as that; signs on the depot state that anyone arriving from out of state and not on a business trip must self-quarantine. The guard is there to talk to them and make sure the message is delivered. As I understand it, they also ask out-of-state arrivals where they are staying. I have seen 3 trains arrive since they started work last Friday. 2 of the trains discharged 1 passenger each; the 3rd no one. It does not seem they are being overwhelmed with work at Kingston Station.

Posted by Warren Beckwith on 2020-04-03 20:15:29

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