The NERAIL New England Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of Seekonk River draw
Seekonk River draw

World-renowned movable bridge designer William Schertzer designed Seekonk River Movable Bridge sometime before 1908 when the new line opened. Catenary was added in 1914, and removed in the 1930s.
The camera is facing west, and East Side Tunnel is, perhaps, one mile distant. Both tracks on the left led to Water Street, where a very short diverging move to the right would take trains to a short length of track and India Point swing bridge, and back across the river to Fox Point yard in Providence. On the Bristol line, not quite 16 miles from Providence, stations were located at East Providence, Vanity Fair, Riverside Crescent Park, West Barrington (where a cut-off once connected to Fall River, Mass.), and Bristol. The route was once completely double-tracked, but after the 1938 "Great Hurricane," all passenger operations ended, and one of the tracks was taken up.
A pair of wye connecting tracks joined both ends of the diverging routes from the bridge. In the 1950s, all the switches were hand-operated. The other track led to Valley Falls, R.I. and to East Jct., Mass. Ca. 1953.

Photographed by Leo King, 1954.
Added to the photo archive by Leo King, May 17, 2004.
Railroad: NY, NH & H.

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