The NERAIL New England Railroad Photo Archive
Photo of PUT PUT on Central Vermont line thru Palmer,MA 1950's
PUT PUT on Central Vermont line thru Palmer,MA 1950's

On a warm day, a Central Vermont track crew prepares to pound accross the double diamonds at Palmer,MA near the Palmer, MA station. The "mini train" has to hurry accross the diamonds northbound before a train on the NYC comes. I hope they don't plan to ride all the way to Vermont on this motorcar.

This scene is similar today although not everything is the same. The double crosstrack is gone and only one remains. The platform to the right is gone. The put put is gone. The hut to the left is gone and the area is generally more grown in with weeds and trees.

The tracks through Palmer,MA are still heavily used today. CSX runs trains of all kinds across the now single track diamond with trains in excess of 100+ cars. In addition, New England Central uses the former Central Vermont trackage and Mass Central switches cars around on occassion.

Photographed by David Worth, 1957.
Added to the photo archive by Xian Clere, February 2, 2004.
Railroad: Central Vermont.

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Visitor Comments about this Photo:

These "put-put" track cars were in profusion back when. In Plymouth NH there was Western Union, the B&M signal crew and the MOW crew both north and south and up the branch to Lincoln.

Posted by Steven Hall on 2016-11-02 15:00:09

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